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Friday, March 2, 2012

3 Puppies delivered today!

Hey all!!  My mama-to-be female has safely delivered three puppies!!!... Two male & a female....  Ahahahahahahaha!!!..  Am so freaking happy!!!.. 
Now, the tools i would need to get ready before she started her contraction :
-Whelping box
-A pair of clean scissor
-Some alcohol for sterilization
-Different colors of ribbons, to identify which is first to last pup
-Cotton wool
-Iodine, for puppies
-Few germ-free big and hand towels
-Some liquid to wipe the female's vulva or body, you could get this from any vet clinic

Contraction begun at 1200hr,2rd March 2012

First puppy delivered, white ribbon. 1510hr.

Cookie : phewww!!  am exhausted dude....

White = first pup
Red = Second pup, 1517hr
Blue = last pup, 1537hr

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